Munir Geden : Publications
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@article{geden2023regguard, title = "RegGuard: Leveraging CPU Registers for Mitigation of Control− and Data−Oriented Attacks", author = "Geden, Munir and Rasmussen, Kasper", year = "2023", journal = "Computers \& Security", publisher = "Elsevier", doi = "10.1016/j.cose.2023.103213", }
@article{geden2023hsm, title = "Hardware-assisted Remote Attestation Design for Critical Embedded Systems", author = "Geden, Munir and Rasmussen, Kasper", year = "2023", journal = "IET Information Security", publisher = "Wiley Online Library", doi = "10.1049/ise2.12113", }
@inproceedings{14290, title = "TRUVIN: Lightweight Detection of Data-Oriented Attacks Through Trusted Value Integrity", author = "Geden, Munir and Rasmussen, Kasper", year = "2020", booktitle = "The 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)", month = "December", doi = "10.1109/TrustCom50675.2020.00035", }
@inproceedings{geden2019hardware, title = "Hardware-assisted Remote Runtime Attestation for Critical Embedded Systems", author = "Geden, Munir and Rasmussen, Kasper", year = "2019", booktitle = "2019 17th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST)", month = "August", publisher = "IEEE", doi = "10.1109/PST47121.2019.8949036", }
@inproceedings{geden2018classification, title = "Classification of Malware Families Based on Runtime Behaviour", author = "Geden, Munir and Happa, Jassim", year = "2018", booktitle = "10th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security", month = "October", pages = "33--48", publisher = "Springer", doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-01689-0_3", }