Irina Voiculescu : Publications
Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics‚ Data Structures and Algorithms
Abel Gomes‚ Irina Voiculescu‚ Joaquim Jorge‚ Bryan Wyvill and Callum Galbraith
Springer Verlag. 2009.
Details about Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics‚ Data Structures and Algorithms | BibTeX data for Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics‚ Data Structures and Algorithms | Link to Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics‚ Data Structures and Algorithms
Journal papers
Dealing with Unreliable Annotations: A Noise−Robust Network for Semantic Segmentation through A Transformer−Improved Encoder and Convolution Decoder
Ziyang Wang and Irina Voiculescu
In Applied Sciences. Vol. 13. No. 13. Pages 7966. July, 2023.
Details about Dealing with Unreliable Annotations: A Noise−Robust Network for Semantic Segmentation through A Transformer−Improved Encoder and Convolution Decoder | BibTeX data for Dealing with Unreliable Annotations: A Noise−Robust Network for Semantic Segmentation through A Transformer−Improved Encoder and Convolution Decoder | Link to Dealing with Unreliable Annotations: A Noise−Robust Network for Semantic Segmentation through A Transformer−Improved Encoder and Convolution Decoder
Federated Partially Supervised Learning with Limited Decentralized Medical Images
Nanqing Dong‚ Michaek Kampffmeyer‚ Irina Voiculescu and Eric Xing
In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. December, 2022.
Details about Federated Partially Supervised Learning with Limited Decentralized Medical Images | BibTeX data for Federated Partially Supervised Learning with Limited Decentralized Medical Images | Link to Federated Partially Supervised Learning with Limited Decentralized Medical Images
Federated Partially Supervised Learning with Limited Decentralized Medical Images
Nanqing Dong‚ Michael Kampffmeyer‚ Irina Voiculescu and Eric Xing
In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Pages 1−1. 2022.
Details about Federated Partially Supervised Learning with Limited Decentralized Medical Images | BibTeX data for Federated Partially Supervised Learning with Limited Decentralized Medical Images | DOI (10.1109/TMI.2022.3231017)
On the use of multi–objective evolutionary classifiers for breast cancer detection
Laura Diosan‚ Anca Andreica and Irina Voiculescu
In PloS one. Vol. 17. No. 7. July, 2022.
Details about On the use of multi–objective evolutionary classifiers for breast cancer detection | BibTeX data for On the use of multi–objective evolutionary classifiers for breast cancer detection | DOI (
Negational Symmetry of Quantum Neural Networks for Binary Pattern Classification
Nanqing Dong‚ Michaek Kampffmeyer‚ Irina Voiculescu and Eric Xing
In Pattern Recognition. Vol. 129. Pages 108750. 2022.
Details about Negational Symmetry of Quantum Neural Networks for Binary Pattern Classification | BibTeX data for Negational Symmetry of Quantum Neural Networks for Binary Pattern Classification | DOI (
Towards Robust Partially Supervised Multi−Structure Medical Image Segmentation on Small−Scale Data
Nanqing Dong‚ Michael Kampffmeyer‚ Xiaodan Liang‚ Min Xu‚ Irina Voiculescu and Eric Xing
In Applied Soft Computing. 2022.
Details about Towards Robust Partially Supervised Multi−Structure Medical Image Segmentation on Small−Scale Data | BibTeX data for Towards Robust Partially Supervised Multi−Structure Medical Image Segmentation on Small−Scale Data | DOI (
Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images
Nanqing Dong and Irina Voiculescu
In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer−Assisted Intervention. Pages 379−387. 2021.
Details about Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images | BibTeX data for Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images | DOI ( | Link to Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images
Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy
Sharib Ali et al.
In Medical Image Analysis. No. MEDIA−D−20−01236R1. 2021.
Details about Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy | BibTeX data for Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy | Link to Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy
Simplifying TugGraph using Zipping Algorithms
Stuart Golodetz‚ Anurag Arnab‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
In Pattern Recognition. Vol. 103. Pages 107257. 2020.
Details about Simplifying TugGraph using Zipping Algorithms | BibTeX data for Simplifying TugGraph using Zipping Algorithms | DOI ( | Link to Simplifying TugGraph using Zipping Algorithms
Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Compositional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast‚ Accurate‚ Reproducible‚ and Clinically Viable Semi−Automated Methodology
Scott Fernquest‚ Daniel Park‚ Marija Marcan‚ Antony Palmer‚ Irina Voiculescu and Sion Glyn−Jones
In Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2018.
Details about Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Compositional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast‚ Accurate‚ Reproducible‚ and Clinically Viable Semi−Automated Methodology | BibTeX data for Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Compositional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast‚ Accurate‚ Reproducible‚ and Clinically Viable Semi−Automated Methodology | DOI (10.1002/jor.23881) | Link to Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Compositional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast‚ Accurate‚ Reproducible‚ and Clinically Viable Semi−Automated Methodology
A family of boundary overlap measures for the evaluation of medical image segmentation
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
In SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging. Vol. 1 of 5. Pages 015006. 2018.
Details about A family of boundary overlap measures for the evaluation of medical image segmentation | BibTeX data for A family of boundary overlap measures for the evaluation of medical image segmentation | DOI (10.1117/1.JMI.5.1.015006) | Link to A family of boundary overlap measures for the evaluation of medical image segmentation
Simpler Editing of Graph−Based Segmentation Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
In Pattern Recognition. Vol. 70. Pages 44−59. October, 2017.
Details about Simpler Editing of Graph−Based Segmentation Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms | BibTeX data for Simpler Editing of Graph−Based Segmentation Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms
Two Tree−Based Methods for the Waterfall
S. M. Golodetz‚ C. Nicholls‚ I. D. Voiculescu and S. A. Cameron
In Pattern Recognition. Vol. 47(10). Pages 3276−3292. October, 2014.
Details about Two Tree−Based Methods for the Waterfall | BibTeX data for Two Tree−Based Methods for the Waterfall | Link to Two Tree−Based Methods for the Waterfall
Doing a Good Turn: The Use of Quaternions for Rotation in Molecular Docking
Gwyn Skone‚ Stephen Cameron and Irina Voiculescu
In Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. November, 2013.
Details about Doing a Good Turn: The Use of Quaternions for Rotation in Molecular Docking | BibTeX data for Doing a Good Turn: The Use of Quaternions for Rotation in Molecular Docking | DOI (10.1021/ci4005139) | Link to Doing a Good Turn: The Use of Quaternions for Rotation in Molecular Docking
Knowing When To Give Up: Early−Rejection Stratagems in High−Throughput Virtual Screening
Gwyn Skone‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
In Journal of Computer−Aided Molecular Design. Vol. 23. Pages 715−724. 2009.
Details about Knowing When To Give Up: Early−Rejection Stratagems in High−Throughput Virtual Screening | BibTeX data for Knowing When To Give Up: Early−Rejection Stratagems in High−Throughput Virtual Screening | DOI (10.1007/s10822-009-9296-x) | Download (pdf) of Knowing When To Give Up: Early−Rejection Stratagems in High−Throughput Virtual Screening
Affine arithmetic in matrix form for polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve drawing
Huahao Shou‚ Ralph Martin‚ Irina Voiculescu‚ Adrian Bowyer and Guojin Wang
In Progress in Natural Science. Vol. 12 (1). Pages 77−81. 2002.
Details about Affine arithmetic in matrix form for polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve drawing | BibTeX data for Affine arithmetic in matrix form for polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve drawing
Comparison of interval methods for plotting algebraic curves
Ralph Martin‚ Huahao Shou‚ Irina Voiculescu‚ Adrian Bowyer and Guojin Wang
In Computer Aided Geometric Design. Vol. Volume 19‚ Issue 7. Pages 553−587. 2002.
Details about Comparison of interval methods for plotting algebraic curves | BibTeX data for Comparison of interval methods for plotting algebraic curves
Conference papers
Optimising for the Unknown: Domain Alignment for Cephalometric Landmark Detection
Julian Wyatt and Irina Voiculescu
Winner of the Landmark Detection Challenge at the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). October, 2024.
Details about Optimising for the Unknown: Domain Alignment for Cephalometric Landmark Detection | BibTeX data for Optimising for the Unknown: Domain Alignment for Cephalometric Landmark Detection | Link to Optimising for the Unknown: Domain Alignment for Cephalometric Landmark Detection
Landmark−Based Screening: Femoral Head Coverage and Graf Classification in Infant Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Allison Clement‚ Abhinav Singh and Irina Voiculescu
In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Women in Computer Vision (WiCV) Workshop. Springer Cham. September, 2024.
Details about Landmark−Based Screening: Femoral Head Coverage and Graf Classification in Infant Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip | BibTeX data for Landmark−Based Screening: Femoral Head Coverage and Graf Classification in Infant Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip | Link to Landmark−Based Screening: Femoral Head Coverage and Graf Classification in Infant Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Improving Automated Ultrasound Infant Hip Screening using an Integrated Clinical Classification Loss
Allison Clement‚ Abhinav Singh‚ Daniel Perry and Irina Voiculescu
In Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. Springer. July, 2024.
Details about Improving Automated Ultrasound Infant Hip Screening using an Integrated Clinical Classification Loss | BibTeX data for Improving Automated Ultrasound Infant Hip Screening using an Integrated Clinical Classification Loss | Link to Improving Automated Ultrasound Infant Hip Screening using an Integrated Clinical Classification Loss
Hairy ground truth enhancement for semantic segmentation
Sophie Fischer and Irina Voiculescu
In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops. June, 2024.
Details about Hairy ground truth enhancement for semantic segmentation | BibTeX data for Hairy ground truth enhancement for semantic segmentation | Link to Hairy ground truth enhancement for semantic segmentation
Super−TrustScore: Reliable Failure Detection for Automated Skin Lesion Diagnosis
Junayed Naushad and Irina Voiculescu
In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). May, 2024.
Details about Super−TrustScore: Reliable Failure Detection for Automated Skin Lesion Diagnosis | BibTeX data for Super−TrustScore: Reliable Failure Detection for Automated Skin Lesion Diagnosis | Link to Super−TrustScore: Reliable Failure Detection for Automated Skin Lesion Diagnosis
Runtime Freezing: Dynamic Class Loss for multi−organ 3D Segmentation
James Willoughby and Irina Voiculescu
In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). May, 2024.
Details about Runtime Freezing: Dynamic Class Loss for multi−organ 3D Segmentation | BibTeX data for Runtime Freezing: Dynamic Class Loss for multi−organ 3D Segmentation | Link to Runtime Freezing: Dynamic Class Loss for multi−organ 3D Segmentation
Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation through Dense Combinations of Dense Pseudo−Labels
Ziyang Wang and Irina Voiculescu
In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). Data Engineering in Medical Imaging (DEMI) Workshop. October, 2023.
Best Paper Award‚ Data Engineering in Medical Imaging (DEMI)
Details about Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation through Dense Combinations of Dense Pseudo−Labels | BibTeX data for Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation through Dense Combinations of Dense Pseudo−Labels | Link to Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation through Dense Combinations of Dense Pseudo−Labels
Exigent Examiner and Mean Teacher: A Novel 3D CNN−based Semi−Supervised Learning Framework for Brain Tumor Segmentation
Ziyang Wang and Irina Voiculescu
In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). The 2nd Workshop of Medical Image Learning with Limited & Noisy Data (MILLanD). October, 2023.
Details about Exigent Examiner and Mean Teacher: A Novel 3D CNN−based Semi−Supervised Learning Framework for Brain Tumor Segmentation | BibTeX data for Exigent Examiner and Mean Teacher: A Novel 3D CNN−based Semi−Supervised Learning Framework for Brain Tumor Segmentation | Link to Exigent Examiner and Mean Teacher: A Novel 3D CNN−based Semi−Supervised Learning Framework for Brain Tumor Segmentation
Screening Infant Hips: DDH Diagnosis Via Deep Learning
Andrew Stamper‚ Abhinav Singh‚ James McCouat and Irina Voiculescu
In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). April, 2023.
Details about Screening Infant Hips: DDH Diagnosis Via Deep Learning | BibTeX data for Screening Infant Hips: DDH Diagnosis Via Deep Learning | Link to Screening Infant Hips: DDH Diagnosis Via Deep Learning
Triple−View Feature Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
Ziyang Wang and Irina Voiculescu
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Workshop. 2022.
Details about Triple−View Feature Learning for Medical Image Segmentation | BibTeX data for Triple−View Feature Learning for Medical Image Segmentation | Link to Triple−View Feature Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
An uncertainty−aware transformer for MRI cardiac semantic segmentation via mean teachers
Ziyang Wang‚ Jian−Qing Zheng and Irina Voiculescu
Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. 2022.
Details about An uncertainty−aware transformer for MRI cardiac semantic segmentation via mean teachers | BibTeX data for An uncertainty−aware transformer for MRI cardiac semantic segmentation via mean teachers | Link to An uncertainty−aware transformer for MRI cardiac semantic segmentation via mean teachers
Computationally−Efficient Vision Transformer for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation via Dual Pseudo−Label Supervision
Ziyang Wang‚ Nanqing Dong and Irina Voiculescu
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. October, 2022.
Details about Computationally−Efficient Vision Transformer for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation via Dual Pseudo−Label Supervision | BibTeX data for Computationally−Efficient Vision Transformer for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation via Dual Pseudo−Label Supervision | Link to Computationally−Efficient Vision Transformer for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation via Dual Pseudo−Label Supervision
Parallel partitioning: path reducing and union–find based watershed for the GPU
Yeva Gabrielyan‚ Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2022). IEEE. October, 2022.
Details about Parallel partitioning: path reducing and union–find based watershed for the GPU | BibTeX data for Parallel partitioning: path reducing and union–find based watershed for the GPU | Link to Parallel partitioning: path reducing and union–find based watershed for the GPU
Fast and Accurate Automatic Measurements of the Hip from X−rays using AI
James McCouat‚ Irina Voiculescu and Sion Glyn−Jones
AI in Orthopaedics‚ Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK). September, 2022.
Details about Fast and Accurate Automatic Measurements of the Hip from X−rays using AI | BibTeX data for Fast and Accurate Automatic Measurements of the Hip from X−rays using AI | Link to Fast and Accurate Automatic Measurements of the Hip from X−rays using AI
Automatic identification of clinical landmarks and calculation of Graf angles in 2D DDH screening ultrasound images: a pilot study
Abhinav Singh‚ James McCouat‚ Irina Voiculescu‚ Daniel Perry and Sandeep Hemmadi
British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) Congress. September, 2022.
Details about Automatic identification of clinical landmarks and calculation of Graf angles in 2D DDH screening ultrasound images: a pilot study | BibTeX data for Automatic identification of clinical landmarks and calculation of Graf angles in 2D DDH screening ultrasound images: a pilot study
Automatic identification of clinical features and calculation of femoral head coverage in 2D DDH screening ultrasound images: a pilot study
Abhinav Singh‚ Andrew Stamper‚ Irina Voiculescu‚ Daniel Perry and Sandeep Hemmadi
British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) Congress. September, 2022.
Details about Automatic identification of clinical features and calculation of femoral head coverage in 2D DDH screening ultrasound images: a pilot study | BibTeX data for Automatic identification of clinical features and calculation of femoral head coverage in 2D DDH screening ultrasound images: a pilot study
Revisiting Vicinal Risk Minimization for Partially Supervised Multi−Label Classification Under Data Scarcity
Nanqing Dong‚ Jiayi Wang and Irina Voiculescu
In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Pages 4212−4220. 2022.
Details about Revisiting Vicinal Risk Minimization for Partially Supervised Multi−Label Classification Under Data Scarcity | BibTeX data for Revisiting Vicinal Risk Minimization for Partially Supervised Multi−Label Classification Under Data Scarcity | DOI ( | Link to Revisiting Vicinal Risk Minimization for Partially Supervised Multi−Label Classification Under Data Scarcity
Learning Underrepresented Classes from Decentralized Partially Labeled Medical Images
Nanqing Dong‚ Michael Kampffmeyer and Irina Voiculescu
In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2022.
Details about Learning Underrepresented Classes from Decentralized Partially Labeled Medical Images | BibTeX data for Learning Underrepresented Classes from Decentralized Partially Labeled Medical Images | Link to Learning Underrepresented Classes from Decentralized Partially Labeled Medical Images
Contour−Hugging Heatmaps for Landmark Detection
James McCouat and Irina Voiculescu
In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). June, 2022.
Details about Contour−Hugging Heatmaps for Landmark Detection | BibTeX data for Contour−Hugging Heatmaps for Landmark Detection | Link to Contour−Hugging Heatmaps for Landmark Detection
Bridging the Discipline Gap: Towards Improving Heritage and Computer Graphics Research Collaboration
Jassim Happa‚ Taylor Bennett‚ Stefano Gogioso‚ Irina Voiculescu‚ David Howell‚ Sally Crawford‚ Katharina Ulmschneider and Christopher Ramsey
EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. 2021.
Details about Bridging the Discipline Gap: Towards Improving Heritage and Computer Graphics Research Collaboration | BibTeX data for Bridging the Discipline Gap: Towards Improving Heritage and Computer Graphics Research Collaboration
A single RGB camera based gait analysis with a mobile tele−robot for healthcare
Ziyang Wang‚ Deligianni Fani‚ Irina Voiculescu and GZ Yang
Details about A single RGB camera based gait analysis with a mobile tele−robot for healthcare | BibTeX data for A single RGB camera based gait analysis with a mobile tele−robot for healthcare | Link to A single RGB camera based gait analysis with a mobile tele−robot for healthcare
Quadruple Augmented Pyramid Network for Multi−class COVID−19 Segmentation via CT
Ziyang Wang and Irina Voiculescu
In Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2021.
Details about Quadruple Augmented Pyramid Network for Multi−class COVID−19 Segmentation via CT | BibTeX data for Quadruple Augmented Pyramid Network for Multi−class COVID−19 Segmentation via CT | Link to Quadruple Augmented Pyramid Network for Multi−class COVID−19 Segmentation via CT
Self−supervised multi−task representation learning for sequential medical images
Nanqing Dong‚ Michael Kampffmeier and Irina Voiculescu
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML−PKDD 21). September, 2021.
Details about Self−supervised multi−task representation learning for sequential medical images | BibTeX data for Self−supervised multi−task representation learning for sequential medical images | Link to Self−supervised multi−task representation learning for sequential medical images
Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images
Nanqing Dong and Irina Voiculescu
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). September, 2021.
Details about Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images | BibTeX data for Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images
RAR−U−Net: a Residual Encoder to Attention Decoder by Residual Connections Framework for Spine Segmentation under Noisy Labels
Ziyang Wang‚ Zhengdong Zhang and Irina Voiculescu
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. September, 2021.
Details about RAR−U−Net: a Residual Encoder to Attention Decoder by Residual Connections Framework for Spine Segmentation under Noisy Labels | BibTeX data for RAR−U−Net: a Residual Encoder to Attention Decoder by Residual Connections Framework for Spine Segmentation under Noisy Labels | Link to RAR−U−Net: a Residual Encoder to Attention Decoder by Residual Connections Framework for Spine Segmentation under Noisy Labels
Automatically Diagnosing Hip Conditions from X−rays using Landmark Detection
James McCouat‚ Sion Glyn−Jones and Irina Voiculescu
In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). April, 2021.
Details about Automatically Diagnosing Hip Conditions from X−rays using Landmark Detection | BibTeX data for Automatically Diagnosing Hip Conditions from X−rays using Landmark Detection | Link to Automatically Diagnosing Hip Conditions from X−rays using Landmark Detection
DOPNet: Densely Oriented Pooling Network for Medical Image Segmentation
Mourad Gridach and Irina Voiculescu
In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). April, 2021.
Details about DOPNet: Densely Oriented Pooling Network for Medical Image Segmentation | BibTeX data for DOPNet: Densely Oriented Pooling Network for Medical Image Segmentation | Link to DOPNet: Densely Oriented Pooling Network for Medical Image Segmentation
Automated Scoring of Drawings from a Tablet−Based Complex Figure Copy Task
Sam S Webb‚ Margaret Jane Moore‚ Anna Yamshchikova‚ Valeska Kozik‚ Mihaela D Duta‚ Irina Voiculescu and Nele Demeyere
UK Stroke Forum. December, 2020.
Details about Automated Scoring of Drawings from a Tablet−Based Complex Figure Copy Task | BibTeX data for Automated Scoring of Drawings from a Tablet−Based Complex Figure Copy Task | Link to Automated Scoring of Drawings from a Tablet−Based Complex Figure Copy Task
OXENDONET: A Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks For Endoscopic Artefact Segmentation
Mourad Gridach and Irina Voiculescu
Vol. 2595 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Pages 26–29. CEUR− 2020.
Details about OXENDONET: A Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks For Endoscopic Artefact Segmentation | BibTeX data for OXENDONET: A Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks For Endoscopic Artefact Segmentation | Link to OXENDONET: A Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks For Endoscopic Artefact Segmentation
Path reducing watershed for the GPU
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision. 2018.
Details about Path reducing watershed for the GPU | BibTeX data for Path reducing watershed for the GPU | Link to Path reducing watershed for the GPU
Semi–automated Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast‚ Accurate‚ and Clinically Viable Methodology
Daniel J Park‚ Scott Fernquest‚ Marija Marcan‚ Antony Palmer‚ Irina Voiculescu and Sion Glyn–Jones.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 25th Annual Meeting. 2017.
Details about Semi–automated Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast‚ Accurate‚ and Clinically Viable Methodology | BibTeX data for Semi–automated Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast‚ Accurate‚ and Clinically Viable Methodology
Avenues for the Use of Multi–State Cellular Automata
Laura Diosan‚ Anca Andreica‚ Imre Boros and Irina Voiculescu
In Proceedings of Evolutionary Algorithms and Complex Systems. EvoStar. 2017.
Details about Avenues for the Use of Multi–State Cellular Automata | BibTeX data for Avenues for the Use of Multi–State Cellular Automata
Interpolation of 3D slice volume data for 3D printing
Samuel Littley and Irina Voiculescu
In Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging. SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics. February, 2017.
Details about Interpolation of 3D slice volume data for 3D printing | BibTeX data for Interpolation of 3D slice volume data for 3D printing | DOI (10.1117/12.2254616)
Boundary Overlap for Medical Image Segmentation Evaluation
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
In Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging. SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics. February, 2017.
Details about Boundary Overlap for Medical Image Segmentation Evaluation | BibTeX data for Boundary Overlap for Medical Image Segmentation Evaluation | DOI (10.1117/12.2254496)
Parameterized Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation
Laura Diosan‚ Anca Andreica and Irina Voiculescu
In 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC). September, 2016.
Details about Parameterized Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation | BibTeX data for Parameterized Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation
Unsupervised segmentation of MRI knees using image partition forests
Marija Marcan and Irina Voiculescu
In SPIE Medical Imaging. SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics. February, 2016.
Details about Unsupervised segmentation of MRI knees using image partition forests | BibTeX data for Unsupervised segmentation of MRI knees using image partition forests | Link to Unsupervised segmentation of MRI knees using image partition forests
Automated 3D Renal Segmentation Based on Image Partitioning
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina D. Voiculescu
In Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging. SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics. February, 2016.
Details about Automated 3D Renal Segmentation Based on Image Partitioning | BibTeX data for Automated 3D Renal Segmentation Based on Image Partitioning | Link to Automated 3D Renal Segmentation Based on Image Partitioning
Towards Robot−Assisted Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Dysfunction
Irina Voiculescu‚ Stephen Cameron‚ Manfred Zabarauskas and Piotr Kozlowski
In Advances in Robot Design and Intelligent Control. Vol. 371 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer. 2015.
Details about Towards Robot−Assisted Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Dysfunction | BibTeX data for Towards Robot−Assisted Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Dysfunction | DOI (10.1007/978-3-319-21290-6_35)
Empirical Study of an Evaluation−Based Subdivision Algorithm for Complex Root Isolation
Narayan Kamath‚ Irina Voiculescu and Chee Yap
Pages 155−164. 4th Int'l Workshop on Symbolic Numeric Computation (SNC). June, 2011.
Details about Empirical Study of an Evaluation−Based Subdivision Algorithm for Complex Root Isolation | BibTeX data for Empirical Study of an Evaluation−Based Subdivision Algorithm for Complex Root Isolation
Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices using Image Partition Forests
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
In Proceedings of ISPA 2009. September, 2009.
Details about Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices using Image Partition Forests | BibTeX data for Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices using Image Partition Forests | Download (pdf) of Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices using Image Partition Forests
Creating transformations for matrix obfuscation
Stephen Drape and Irina Voiculescu
In Proceedings of SAS 2009. August, 2009.
Details about Creating transformations for matrix obfuscation | BibTeX data for Creating transformations for matrix obfuscation | Download (pdf) of Creating transformations for matrix obfuscation | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-03237-0_19)
Progress on a Decision−Support System for Abdominal CT Scans (Work−in−Progress Paper)
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
In Lucia Lo Bello and Giancarlo Iannizzotto, editors, Proceedings of HSI 2009. Pages 116−119. May, 2009.
Best Paper Award‚ Telemedicine and e−Health
Details about Progress on a Decision−Support System for Abdominal CT Scans (Work−in−Progress Paper) | BibTeX data for Progress on a Decision−Support System for Abdominal CT Scans (Work−in−Progress Paper) | LCCN (2009900916) | Download (pdf) of Progress on a Decision−Support System for Abdominal CT Scans (Work−in−Progress Paper)
Region Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans using Image Partition Forests
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
In Proceedings of CSTST 2008. Pages 432−7. October, 2008.
Best Workshop Paper Award
Details about Region Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans using Image Partition Forests | BibTeX data for Region Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans using Image Partition Forests | Download (pdf) of Region Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans using Image Partition Forests
Basic Strategies for Molecular Docking with Scoring Functions
Gwyn Skone‚ Stephen Cameron and Irina Voiculescu
In German Conference on Bioinformatics. September, 2008.
Details about Basic Strategies for Molecular Docking with Scoring Functions | BibTeX data for Basic Strategies for Molecular Docking with Scoring Functions
A Proposed Decision−Support System for (Renal) Cancer Imaging
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
In Proceedings of FBIT 2007. October, 2007.
Details about A Proposed Decision−Support System for (Renal) Cancer Imaging | BibTeX data for A Proposed Decision−Support System for (Renal) Cancer Imaging | Download (pdf) of A Proposed Decision−Support System for (Renal) Cancer Imaging
A recursive Taylor method for algebraic curves and surfaces
Huahao Shou‚ Ralph Martin‚ Guojin Wang‚ Adrian Bowyer and Irina Voiculescu
In Tor Dokken and Bert Juettler, editors, Computational methods for algebraic spline surfaces (COMPASS). Pages 135−155. Springer Verlag. October, 2003.
Details about A recursive Taylor method for algebraic curves and surfaces | BibTeX data for A recursive Taylor method for algebraic curves and surfaces
A comparison of Bernstein hull and affine arithmetic methods for algebraic curve drawing
Ralph Martin‚ Huahao Shou‚ Irina Voiculescu and Guojin Wang
In Joab Winkler and Mareshan Niranjan, editors, Uncertainty in geometric computations. Pages 143−154. Kluwer Academic Publishers. July, 2001.
Details about A comparison of Bernstein hull and affine arithmetic methods for algebraic curve drawing | BibTeX data for A comparison of Bernstein hull and affine arithmetic methods for algebraic curve drawing
Affine intervals in a CSG geometric modeller
Adrian Bowyer‚ Ralph Martin‚ Huahao Shou and Irina Voiculescu
In Joab Winkler and Mareshan Niranjan, editors, Uncertainty in geometric computations. Pages 1−14. Kluwer Academic Publishers. July, 2001.
Details about Affine intervals in a CSG geometric modeller | BibTeX data for Affine intervals in a CSG geometric modeller
Interval Methods in Geometric Modelling
Adrian Bowyer‚ Jakob Berchtold‚ David Eisenthal‚ Irina Voiculescu and Kevin Wise
In Geometric Modelling and Processing 2000. IEEE Computer Society. April, 2000.
Details about Interval Methods in Geometric Modelling | BibTeX data for Interval Methods in Geometric Modelling
Interval and Affine Arithmetic for Surface Location of Power− and Bernstein−form Polynomials
Irina Voiculescu‚ Jakob Berchtold‚ Adrian Bowyer‚ Ralph R. Martin and Qijiang Zhang
In Roberto Cipolla and Ralph Martin, editors, Mathematics of Surfaces IX. Pages 410−423. Springer−Verlag. September, 2000.
Details about Interval and Affine Arithmetic for Surface Location of Power− and Bernstein−form Polynomials | BibTeX data for Interval and Affine Arithmetic for Surface Location of Power− and Bernstein−form Polynomials
Technical reports
An Overview of Current Evaluation Methods Used in Medical Image Segmentation
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
No. RR−15−08. Department of Computer Science. Oxford‚ UK. 2015.
Details about An Overview of Current Evaluation Methods Used in Medical Image Segmentation | BibTeX data for An Overview of Current Evaluation Methods Used in Medical Image Segmentation | Download (pdf) of An Overview of Current Evaluation Methods Used in Medical Image Segmentation
The Use of Fast Marching Methods in Medical Image Segmentation
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
No. CS−RR−15−07. Department of Computer Science. Oxford‚ UK. 2015.
Details about The Use of Fast Marching Methods in Medical Image Segmentation | BibTeX data for The Use of Fast Marching Methods in Medical Image Segmentation | Download (pdf) of The Use of Fast Marching Methods in Medical Image Segmentation
Simpler Editing of Spatially−Connected Graph Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
No. CS−RR−15−06. Department of Computer Science. Oxford‚ UK. 2015.
Details about Simpler Editing of Spatially−Connected Graph Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms | BibTeX data for Simpler Editing of Spatially−Connected Graph Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms | Download (pdf) of Simpler Editing of Spatially−Connected Graph Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms | Link to Simpler Editing of Spatially−Connected Graph Hierarchies using Zipping Algorithms
The Use of Matrices in Obfuscation
Stephen Drape and Irina Voiculescu
No. RR−08−12. Oxford University Computing Laboratory. December, 2008.
Details about The Use of Matrices in Obfuscation | BibTeX data for The Use of Matrices in Obfuscation | Download (pdf) of The Use of Matrices in Obfuscation
Reinforcement learning techniques for the assessment of murine MicroCT images
Mokrane Gaci‚ Edoardo Pirovano‚ Navraj S Nagra‚ Sarah J B Snelling and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Reinforcement learning techniques for the assessment of murine MicroCT images | BibTeX data for Reinforcement learning techniques for the assessment of murine MicroCT images
Boundary overlap for medical image segmentation evaluation
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Boundary overlap for medical image segmentation evaluation | BibTeX data for Boundary overlap for medical image segmentation evaluation
Novel Parallel Watershed for Faster Image Partitioning
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Novel Parallel Watershed for Faster Image Partitioning | BibTeX data for Novel Parallel Watershed for Faster Image Partitioning
Common Evaluation Measures in Medical Image Segmentation: Experimental Comparison
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Common Evaluation Measures in Medical Image Segmentation: Experimental Comparison | BibTeX data for Common Evaluation Measures in Medical Image Segmentation: Experimental Comparison
The Sensitivity to Boundary Errors of Image Segmentation Evaluation Measures
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about The Sensitivity to Boundary Errors of Image Segmentation Evaluation Measures | BibTeX data for The Sensitivity to Boundary Errors of Image Segmentation Evaluation Measures
Progress towards unsupervised medical image segmentation
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Progress towards unsupervised medical image segmentation | BibTeX data for Progress towards unsupervised medical image segmentation
Towards unsupervised segmentation of the knee from MRI images based on image partition forests
Marija Marcan‚ Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Towards unsupervised segmentation of the knee from MRI images based on image partition forests | BibTeX data for Towards unsupervised segmentation of the knee from MRI images based on image partition forests
Comparison of Evaluation Methods for Medical Image Segmentation
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Comparison of Evaluation Methods for Medical Image Segmentation | BibTeX data for Comparison of Evaluation Methods for Medical Image Segmentation
Fast Marching Method for Organ Identification in CT Images
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Details about Fast Marching Method for Organ Identification in CT Images | BibTeX data for Fast Marching Method for Organ Identification in CT Images
Experiments on the Use of Fast Marching for Feature Identification
Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu
Best Abstract Award
Details about Experiments on the Use of Fast Marching for Feature Identification | BibTeX data for Experiments on the Use of Fast Marching for Feature Identification | Download (pdf) of Experiments on the Use of Fast Marching for Feature Identification
The Use of Image Partition Forests for Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
October, 2009.
Details about The Use of Image Partition Forests for Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices | BibTeX data for The Use of Image Partition Forests for Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices | Download (pdf) of The Use of Image Partition Forests for Automatic Spine Identification in Abdominal CT Slices
A Simpler Approach to Waterfall
Chris Nicholls‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stuart Golodetz
October, 2009.
Details about A Simpler Approach to Waterfall | BibTeX data for A Simpler Approach to Waterfall | Download (pdf) of A Simpler Approach to Waterfall
The Use of Image Partition Forests in the Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
October, 2008.
Details about The Use of Image Partition Forests in the Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans | BibTeX data for The Use of Image Partition Forests in the Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans | Download (pdf) of The Use of Image Partition Forests in the Analysis of Abdominal CT Scans
3D Visualization of Abdominal CT Scans using Morphological Segmentation Techniques
Stuart Golodetz‚ Irina Voiculescu and Stephen Cameron
September, 2008.
Oxford Biomedical Imaging Festival
Details about 3D Visualization of Abdominal CT Scans using Morphological Segmentation Techniques | BibTeX data for 3D Visualization of Abdominal CT Scans using Morphological Segmentation Techniques | Download (pdf) of 3D Visualization of Abdominal CT Scans using Morphological Segmentation Techniques