Shaull Almagor : Publications
Journal papers
Latticed−LTL synthesis in the presence of noisy inputs
Shaull Almagor and Orna Kupferman
In Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. Vol. 27. No. 3. Pages 547–572. 2017.
Details about Latticed−LTL synthesis in the presence of noisy inputs | BibTeX data for Latticed−LTL synthesis in the presence of noisy inputs | DOI (10.1007/s10626-017-0242-0) | Link to Latticed−LTL synthesis in the presence of noisy inputs
Formally Reasoning About Quality
Shaull Almagor‚ Udi Boker and Orna Kupferman
In J. ACM. Vol. 63. No. 3. Pages 24:1–24:56. 2016.
Details about Formally Reasoning About Quality | BibTeX data for Formally Reasoning About Quality | DOI (10.1145/2875421) | Link to Formally Reasoning About Quality
Conference papers
Synthesis of Controllable Nash Equilibria in Quantitative Objective Games
Shaull Almagor‚ Orna Kupferman and Giuseppe Perelli
In 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 2018. 2018.
Details about Synthesis of Controllable Nash Equilibria in Quantitative Objective Games | BibTeX data for Synthesis of Controllable Nash Equilibria in Quantitative Objective Games
Weak Cost Register Automata are Still Powerful
Shaull Almagor‚ Michaël Cadilhac‚ Filip Mazowiecki and Guillermo A. Pérez
In 22nd International Conference on Developments in Language Theory DLT 2018. 2018.
Details about Weak Cost Register Automata are Still Powerful | BibTeX data for Weak Cost Register Automata are Still Powerful
Effective Divergence Analysis for Linear Recurrence Sequences
Shaull Almagor‚ Brynmor Chapman‚ Mehran Hosseini‚ Joël Ouaknine and James Worrell
In 29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory CONCUR‚ 2018. 2018.
Details about Effective Divergence Analysis for Linear Recurrence Sequences | BibTeX data for Effective Divergence Analysis for Linear Recurrence Sequences
O−Minimal Invariants for Linear Loops
Shaull Almagor‚ Dmitry Chistikov‚ Joël Ouaknine and James Worrell
In 45th International Colloquium on Automata‚ Languages‚ and Programming‚ ICALP 2018. 2018.
Details about O−Minimal Invariants for Linear Loops | BibTeX data for O−Minimal Invariants for Linear Loops
The Polytope−Collision Problem
Shaull Almagor‚ Joël Ouaknine and James Worrell
In 44th International Colloquium on Automata‚ Languages‚ and Programming‚ ICALP 2017‚ July 10−14‚ 2017‚ Warsaw‚ Poland. Pages 24:1–24:14. 2017.
Details about The Polytope−Collision Problem | BibTeX data for The Polytope−Collision Problem | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2017.24) | Link to The Polytope−Collision Problem
Sensing as a Complexity Measure
Shaull Almagor‚ Denis Kuperberg and Orna Kupferman
In Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems − 19th IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference‚ DCFS 2017‚ Milano‚ Italy‚ July 3−5‚ 2017‚ Proceedings. Pages 3–15. 2017.
Details about Sensing as a Complexity Measure | BibTeX data for Sensing as a Complexity Measure | DOI (10.1007/978-3-319-60252-3_1) | Link to Sensing as a Complexity Measure
Quantitative Assume Guarantee Synthesis
Shaull Almagor‚ Orna Kupferman‚ Jan Oliver Ringert and Yaron Velner
In Computer Aided Verification − 29th International Conference‚ CAV 2017‚ Heidelberg‚ Germany‚ July 24−28‚ 2017‚ Proceedings‚ Part II. Pages 353–374. 2017.
Details about Quantitative Assume Guarantee Synthesis | BibTeX data for Quantitative Assume Guarantee Synthesis | DOI (10.1007/978-3-319-63390-9_19) | Link to Quantitative Assume Guarantee Synthesis
High−Quality Synthesis Against Stochastic Environments
Shaull Almagor and Orna Kupferman
In Jean−Marc Talbot and Laurent Regnier, editors, 25th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic‚ CSL 2016‚ August 29 − September 1‚ 2016‚ Marseille‚ France. Vol. 62 of LIPIcs. Pages 28:1–28:17. 2016.
Details about High−Quality Synthesis Against Stochastic Environments | BibTeX data for High−Quality Synthesis Against Stochastic Environments | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2016.28) | Link to High−Quality Synthesis Against Stochastic Environments
Minimizing Expected Cost Under Hard Boolean Constraints‚ with Applications to Quantitative Synthesis
Shaull Almagor‚ Orna Kupferman and Yaron Velner
In Josée Desharnais and Radha Jagadeesan, editors, 27th International Conference on Concurrency Theory‚ CONCUR 2016‚ August 23−26‚ 2016‚ Québec City‚ Canada. Vol. 59 of LIPIcs. Pages 9:1–9:15. 2016.
Details about Minimizing Expected Cost Under Hard Boolean Constraints‚ with Applications to Quantitative Synthesis | BibTeX data for Minimizing Expected Cost Under Hard Boolean Constraints‚ with Applications to Quantitative Synthesis | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2016.9) | Link to Minimizing Expected Cost Under Hard Boolean Constraints‚ with Applications to Quantitative Synthesis
The Sensing Cost of Monitoring and Synthesis
Shaull Almagor‚ Denis Kuperberg and Orna Kupferman
In Prahladh Harsha and G. Ramalingam, editors, 35th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundation of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science‚ FSTTCS 2015‚ December 16−18‚ 2015‚ Bangalore‚ India. Vol. 45 of LIPIcs. Pages 380–393. 2015.
Details about The Sensing Cost of Monitoring and Synthesis | BibTeX data for The Sensing Cost of Monitoring and Synthesis | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2015.380) | Link to The Sensing Cost of Monitoring and Synthesis
Repairing Multi−Player Games
Shaull Almagor‚ Guy Avni and Orna Kupferman
In Luca Aceto and David de Frutos−Escrig, editors, 26th International Conference on Concurrency Theory‚ CONCUR 2015‚ Madrid‚ Spain‚ September 1.4‚ 2015. Vol. 42 of LIPIcs. Pages 325–339. 2015.
Details about Repairing Multi−Player Games | BibTeX data for Repairing Multi−Player Games | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2015.325) | Link to Repairing Multi−Player Games
This Time the Robot Settles for a Cost: A Quantitative Approach to Temporal Logic Planning with Partial Satisfaction
Morteza Lahijanian‚ Shaull Almagor‚ Dror Fried‚ Lydia E. Kavraki and Moshe Y. Vardi
In Blai Bonet and Sven Koenig, editors, Proceedings of the Twenty−Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence‚ January 25−30‚ 2015‚ Austin‚ Texas‚ USA.. Pages 3664–3671. 2015.
Details about This Time the Robot Settles for a Cost: A Quantitative Approach to Temporal Logic Planning with Partial Satisfaction | BibTeX data for This Time the Robot Settles for a Cost: A Quantitative Approach to Temporal Logic Planning with Partial Satisfaction | Link to This Time the Robot Settles for a Cost: A Quantitative Approach to Temporal Logic Planning with Partial Satisfaction
Discounting in LTL
Shaull Almagor‚ Udi Boker and Orna Kupferman
In Erika Άbrahám and Klaus Havelund, editors, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems − 20th International Conference‚ TACAS 2014‚ Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software‚ ETAPS 2014‚ Grenoble‚ France‚ April 5−13‚ 2014. Proceedings. Vol. 8413 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 424–439. 2014.
Details about Discounting in LTL | BibTeX data for Discounting in LTL | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-54862-8_37) | Link to Discounting in LTL
Regular Sensing
Shaull Almagor‚ Denis Kuperberg and Orna Kupferman
In Venkatesh Raman and S. P. Suresh, editors, 34th International Conference on Foundation of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science‚ FSTTCS 2014‚ December 15−17‚ 2014‚ New Delhi‚ India. Vol. 29 of LIPIcs. Pages 161–173. 2014.
Details about Regular Sensing | BibTeX data for Regular Sensing | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2014.161) | Link to Regular Sensing
Latticed−LTL Synthesis in the Presence of Noisy Inputs
Shaull Almagor and Orna Kupferman
In Anca Muscholl, editor, Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures − 17th International Conference‚ FOSSACS 2014‚ Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software‚ ETAPS 2014‚ Grenoble‚ France‚ April 5−13‚ 2014‚ Proceedings. Vol. 8412 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 226–241. 2014.
Details about Latticed−LTL Synthesis in the Presence of Noisy Inputs | BibTeX data for Latticed−LTL Synthesis in the Presence of Noisy Inputs | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-54830-7_15) | Link to Latticed−LTL Synthesis in the Presence of Noisy Inputs
Formalizing and Reasoning about Quality
Shaull Almagor‚ Udi Boker and Orna Kupferman
In Fedor V. Fomin‚ Rusins Freivalds‚ Marta Z. Kwiatkowska and David Peleg, editors, Automata‚ Languages‚ and Programming − 40th International Colloquium‚ ICALP 2013‚ Riga‚ Latvia‚ July 8−12‚ 2013‚ Proceedings‚ Part II. Vol. 7966 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 15–27. 2013.
Details about Formalizing and Reasoning about Quality | BibTeX data for Formalizing and Reasoning about Quality | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-39212-2_3) | Link to Formalizing and Reasoning about Quality
Automatic Generation of Quality Specifications
Shaull Almagor‚ Guy Avni and Orna Kupferman
In Natasha Sharygina and Helmut Veith, editors, Computer Aided Verification − 25th International Conference‚ CAV 2013‚ Saint Petersburg‚ Russia‚ July 13−19‚ 2013. Proceedings. Vol. 8044 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 479–494. 2013.
Details about Automatic Generation of Quality Specifications | BibTeX data for Automatic Generation of Quality Specifications | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-39799-8_32) | Link to Automatic Generation of Quality Specifications
What's Decidable about Weighted Automata?
Shaull Almagor‚ Udi Boker and Orna Kupferman
In Tevfik Bultan and Pao−Ann Hsiung, editors, Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis‚ 9th International Symposium‚ ATVA 2011‚ Taipei‚ Taiwan‚ October 11−14‚ 2011. Proceedings. Vol. 6996 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 482–491. 2011.
Details about What's Decidable about Weighted Automata? | BibTeX data for What's Decidable about Weighted Automata? | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-24372-1_37) | Link to What's Decidable about Weighted Automata?
Max and Sum Semantics for Alternating Weighted Automata
Shaull Almagor and Orna Kupferman
In Tevfik Bultan and Pao−Ann Hsiung, editors, Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis‚ 9th International Symposium‚ ATVA 2011‚ Taipei‚ Taiwan‚ October 11−14‚ 2011. Proceedings. Vol. 6996 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 13–27. 2011.
Details about Max and Sum Semantics for Alternating Weighted Automata | BibTeX data for Max and Sum Semantics for Alternating Weighted Automata | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-24372-1_2) | Link to Max and Sum Semantics for Alternating Weighted Automata
Tight bounds for strategyproof classification
Reshef Meir‚ Shaull Almagor‚ Assaf Michaely and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
In Liz Sonenberg‚ Peter Stone‚ Kagan Tumer and Pinar Yolum, editors, 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011)‚ Taipei‚ Taiwan‚ May 2−6‚ 2011‚ Volume 1−3. Pages 319–326. 2011.
Details about Tight bounds for strategyproof classification | BibTeX data for Tight bounds for strategyproof classification | Link to Tight bounds for strategyproof classification
Promptness in omega−Regular Automata
Shaull Almagor‚ Yoram Hirshfeld and Orna Kupferman
In Ahmed Bouajjani and Wei−Ngan Chin, editors, Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis − 8th International Symposium‚ ATVA 2010‚ Singapore‚ September 21−24‚ 2010. Proceedings. Vol. 6252 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 22–36. 2010.
Details about Promptness in omega−Regular Automata | BibTeX data for Promptness in omega−Regular Automata | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-15643-4_4) | Link to Promptness in omega−Regular Automata