Dynamic-Epistemic Logic: Then and Now.
- 14:00 2nd December 2015 ( week 8, Michaelmas Term 2015 )Lecture Theatre B
In this talk, we review the basics of dynamic-epistemic logic for describing stepwise effects of informational and other agency-related events. We review some classical technical developments in this framework, viewed as a logic of model change, including interfaces with dynamical systems. Finally, we explore one current issue in greater depth: tracking attitude dynamics at different 'zoom levels' for representing agent attitudes. Lit. J. van Benthem, 2011, "Logical Dynamics of Information and Interaction", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK. 2015, 'In Praise of Loops', in S. Ghosh & J. Szymanik, eds., "Rineke Verbrugge 50", College Publications, London. 2015, 'Tracking Information', in K. Bimbó, ed., "Mike Dunn Volume", Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Springer, Dordrecht.