ARM: Data science at the core of the connected world
Damon Civin, Data Scientist at ARM and Andy Smith CIO
- 13:00 24th January 2017 ( week 2, Hilary Term 2017 )Lecture Theatre A
Andy's talk will be on the following:
Adventures of a computer scientist (retired) at ARM
- Career story - Computer Science and a career in IT
- The ARM story – 25 years and 90 billion chips
- ARM and Softbank - One trillion devices and the world of IoT
- Role of CIO and the IT team in a modern Enterprise
- Q&A
Damon will talk for 20 minutes and will answer:
• What is a data scientist and how did one end up speaking to you today?
• What is Machine Learning? What can it do and why do businesses care?
• What are the cool things ARM is doing with data science?
The will be a further Q&A session at the end of the talks