The Tractability Border of Reachability in Simple Vector Addition Systems with States
- 14:00 17th October 2024441 Wolfson building
Vector Addition Systems with States (VASS), equivalent to Petri nets, are a well-established model of concurrency. A d-VASS can be seen as directed graph whose edges are labelled by d-dimensional integer vectors. While following a path, the values of d nonnegative integer counters are updated according to the integer labels. The reachability problem asks whether there is a run from a given starting configuration to a given target configuration. When the input is encoded in binary, reachability is computationally intractable: even in dimension one, it is NP-hard. This presentation with detail the tractability border of the problem when the input is encoded in unary. As a main result, we prove that reachability is NP-hard in unary encoded 3-VASS, even when structure is heavily restricted to be a Simple Linear Path Scheme (SLPS). The underlying graph structure of an SLPS is just a path with self-loops at each node. This lower bound improves upon a recent result of Czerwiński and Orlikowski [LICS 2022], in both the number of counters and expressiveness of the considered model. It also answers open questions of Englert, Lazić, and Totzke [LICS 2016] and Leroux [PETRI NETS 2021]. This presentation will also showcase an exceedingly weak model of computation that is SPLS with counter updates in {−1,0,+1}. Here, we show that reachability is NP-hard when the dimension is bounded by O(α(k)), where α is the inverse Ackermann function and k bounds the size of the SLPS. To further trace the tractability border, the presentation will also touch on a neighbouring upper bound. Extending upon the main result of Englert, Lazić, and Totzke [LICS 2016], we present a polynomial-time algorithm for reachability in unary 2-SLPS when the initial and target configurations are specified in binary.