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OxWoCS Seminar Series: Group Fairness in Collective Decisions: From Multiwinner Voting to Participatory Budgeting

Professor Edith Elkind ( University of Oxford )

We're delighted to start this year's Seminar Series with Professor Edith Elkind, University of Oxford on Wednesday 23rd October at 12:00PM in the Bill Roscoe Lecture Theatre (LT B).

Title: Group Fairness in Collective Decisions: From Multiwinner Voting to Participatory Budgeting

Many cities around the world allocate a part of their budget based on residents' votes, following a process known as participatory budgeting. It is important to understand which outcomes of this process should be viewed as fair, and whether fair outcomes could be computed efficiently. In this talk, we overview recent progress on this topic. We first focus on a special case of participatory budgeting where all candidate projects have the same cost (known as multiwinner voting), formulate progressively more demanding notions of fairness for this setting, and identify efficiently computable voting rules that satisfy them. We then discuss the challenges of extending these ideas to the general model.

Please use the following link to register your interest such that we can provide sufficient refreshments: Register here

Speaker bio

Dr. Elkind joined the Oxford Computer Science Department in 2013. Prior to coming to Oxford she was an Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), where her research was supported by the National Research foundation (NRF) Fellowship. Dr. Elkind obtained her PhD from Princeton University in 2005, and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Warwick, University of Liverpool and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as a lecturer (Roberts Fellow) at University of Southampton.



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