Exception Handling for Repair in Service-Based Processes
Gerhard Friedrich ( Institute for Applied Informatics, Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria )
- 16:30 17th November 2009 ( week 6, Michaelmas Term 2009 )Lecture Theartre B
In this talk we propose a self-healing approach to handle exceptions
in service-based processes and to repair the faulty activities with a
model-based approach. In particular, a set of repair actions is
defined in the process model, and repairability of the process is
assessed by analyzing the process structure and the available repair
actions. During execution, if an exception arises, repair plans are
generated by taking into account constraints posed by the process
structure, dependencies among data and available repair actions. The
generation of repair plans by a logic-based reasoning system (i.e.
Answer Set Programming employing DLV) is exemplified. The talk also
describes the main features of the prototype developed to validate the
proposed repair approach for composed Web services. The self-healing
architecture for repair handling and the experimental results are
The talk reports on joint work with (in alphabetic order)
Mariagrazia Fugini, Politecnico di Milano
Enrico Mussi, Politecnico di Milano
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano
Gaston Tagni, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
The proposed methods were developed within the FET project WS-Diamond
(Web Service Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Diagnosability) funded by the EU.
See http://wsdiamond.di.unito.it for further information.