Horn Formulas as Linear Inequalities and Nonlocality Paradoxes
Tobias Fritz ( ICFO, Barcelona )
- 14:00 21st January 2011 ( week 1, Hilary Term 2011 )Lecture Theatre B
Abstract: A Horn formula can be interpreted as a system of linear
inequalities over the Boolean semiring. Similarly, a union-closed set
system is the Boolean version of a polytope. I will show how a
resolution-like Fourier-Motzkin algorithm can be used to compute a Horn
formula determining a union-closed set system from its generating sets and
describe the output of some sample computations. In particular, one can
use the software to calculate all Hardy-type nonlocality paradoxes as Bell
inequalities over the Boolean semiring. Everything is work in progress,
and I will mention the problem of redundancy elimination as a major
obstacle towards further progress.