Dividing the Indivisible
- 16:30 5th September 2012 ( Trinity Term 2012 )Lecture Theatre B
We study in detail a simple sequential procedure for allocating a set of indivisible goods to multiple agents. Agents take turns to pick items according to a policy. For example, in the alternating policy, agents simply alternate who picks the next item. Many of us used such a procedure at school when we were picking teams to play football. A similar procedure has been used by Harvard Business School to allocate courses to students. We study here the impact of strategic behavior on the complete-information extensive-form game of such sequential allocation procedures. We show that computing the subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium is PSPACE-hard in general, but takes only linear time with two agents. Finally we compute the optimal policies for two agents in different settings, including when agents behave strategically and when agents can give away items.