Monday 6th September
The doctoral programme talks are in Maths tutorial room 1A.
Talks are 15 minutes long, not including questions. 3 minutes is allowed for
questions and swap-over. Proceedings are available
9.00 - 10.35
9:00 Welcome and administrivia
9:05 David Bergman. Facets for Alldifferent Systems
9:23 Tim Januschowski. Arities of Symmetry Breaking Constraints in Binary
9:41 Samir A. Mohamed Elsayad. Synthesis of Search Algorithms from High-level CP Models
9:59 Geoffrey Chu. Symmetries and Lazy Clause Generation
10:17 Luis Baptista. On the Power of Restarts for CSP
10:35 - 11:00 coffee break
11:00 - 12:40
11:00 Lars Otten. Efficient Load Balancing in Distributed Branch and Bound for
Weighted CSPs
11:18 Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh. Energy-Efficient Task-Mapping for Data-Driven
Sensor Network Macroprogramming Using Constraint Programming
11:36 Alessio Bonfietti. Mapping periodic applications on unary and cumulative
11:54 Marco Bottalico. Consistency Techniques for Hybrid Simulations
12:12 Paola Campli. A Semiring-based framework for fair resources allocation
12:40 - 14:00 lunch
14:00 - 15:40
14:00 Patricia Gutierrez. Maintaining Multiple Representations in DCOP Solving
14:18 Emanuele Di Rosa. Optimal Stopping rule-based algorithms for Computing
Sub-Optimal solutions in Satisfiability problems with Preferences
14:36 Alexis De Clercq. A Soft Constraint for Cumulative Problems with Over-loads
of Resource
14:54 Paolo Marin. Conflict and Solution Driven Constraint Learning in QBF
15:12 Jacopo Mauro. Constraints in the Cloud
15:40 - 16:00 coffee break
16:00 - 18:00
16:00 Conor O'Mahony. Soft Constraints and Partially Ordered Preferences in a
Multi Criteria Optimisation Environment
16:18 Ozgur Akgun. Refining Portfolios of Constraint Models with Conjure
16:36 Marie Pelleau. Using Abstract Domains in Constraint Programming
16:54 András Z. Salamon. Overview of thesis: Transformations of representation in
constraint satisfaction
17:12 Evgenij Thorstensen. Capturing Configuration Complexity
17:30 Walid Trabelsi. Two Preferences Based Conversational Recommender Systems
Tuesday 7th September
Doctoral dinner sponsored by
Dinner starts at 20.00, leaving at 19.40 from the reception event, map is
Wednesday 8th September
Poster session: 14.00 - 15.00.
Thursday 9th September
Tutorials 11.00 - 12.40: