Automata, Logic and Games: 2024-2025
Lecturer | |
Degrees | Schedule C1 (CS&P) — Computer Science and Philosophy Schedule C1 — Computer Science Schedule C1 — Mathematics and Computer Science |
Term | Hilary Term 2025 (24 lectures) |
To introduce the mathematical theory underpinning the Computer-Aided Verification of computing systems, and also the theory underlying analysis of data. The main ingredients are:
- Automata (on infnite words and trees) as a computational model of state-based systems
- Logical systems (such as temporal and modal logics) for specifying operational behaviour
- Two-person games as a conceptual basis for understanding interactions between a system and its environment
- Connections between logical reasoning over arbitrary structrures and automata over trees
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Describe in detail what is meant by a Buchi automaton, and the languages recognised by simple examples of Buchi automata.
- Use linear-time temporal logic to describe behaviourial properties such as recurrence and periodicity, and translate LTL formulas to Buchi automata.
- Use S1S to define omega-regular languages, and give an account of the equivalence between S1S definability and Buchi recognisability.
- Explain property-checking games and their connection to synthesizing controllers.
- Explain how the tree and tree-like model property can be used to reduce decidability of logics on arbitrary structures to decidability of problems related to tree automata
- Explain how games between structures can be used to establish the tree and tree-like model property
- Describe the Guarded Fragment and the Guarded Negation Fragment of first order logic, and explain how to formalize and establish the tree-like model property for these fragments
Knowledge of first-order predicate calculus will be assumed. Familiarity with the basics of Finite Automata Theory and Computability (for example, as covered by the course, Models of Computation) and Complexity Theory would be very helpful. Candidates who do not have the required background are expected to have taken the course Introduction to the Foundations of Computer Science.
- Automata on infinite words. Buchi automata: Closure properties. Determinization and Rabin automata.
- Nonemptiness and Nonuniversality problems for Buchi automata.
- Linear temporal logic and alternating Buchi automata.
- Parity Games and the Model-Checking Problem: memoryless determinacy, algorithmic issues.
- Monadic Second-order Logic and its relationship with the temporal logics
- Using automata to reason about arbitrary structures
Reading list
Selected parts from:
- J. Bradfield and C. P. Stirling. Modal logics and mu-calculi. In J. Bergstra, A. Ponse, and S. Smolka, editors, Handbook of Process Algebra, pages 293{332. Elsevier, North-Holland, 2001.
- B. Khoussainov and A. Nerode. Automata Theory and its Applications. Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic, Volume 21. Birkhauser, 2001.
- C. P. Stirling. Modal and Temporal Properties of Processes. Texts in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2001.
- W. Thomas. Languages, Automata and Logic. In G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa, editors, Handbook of Formal Languages, volume 3. Springer-Verlag, 1997.
- M. Y. Vardi. An automata-theoretic approach to linear temporal logic. In Logics for Concurrency: Structure versus Automata, ed. F. Moller and G. Birtwistle, LNCS vol. 1043, pp. 238-266, Springer-Verlag, 1996.
- M. Benedikt, Decidable Logics via Automata
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