Truthful scheduling for graphs
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The aim of the project is to advance our understanding of the limitations of
mechanism design for the scheduling problem, the "holy grail" of algorithmic
mechanism design. Specifically, we will consider the graphical scheduling
problem, in which every task can be only allocated to two machines, and study
the approximation ratio of mechanisms for this setting. The aim is to prove both
lower and upper bounds. Both directions are hard problems, and we plan to try to
gain some understanding by experimentally searching for lower bounds or trying
to verify potentially useful statements about the upper bound.
Of particular importance is the case of trees and their special case of stars,
i.e., when every task can be given either to the root or to a particular
leaf. We plan to study not only the standard objective of the makespan, but the
more general class of objectives in which the mechanism minimizes the L^p norm
of the times of the machines. The case L^infinity is to minimize the makespan,
L^1 is to minimize the welfare, and the case L^0 corresponds to the Nash Social
Welfare problem, all of which are interesting problems. Further possible
directions include considering fractional scheduling and mechanisms without
George Christodoulou, Elias Koutsoupias, Annamária Kovács:
Truthful Allocation in Graphs and Hypergraphs. ICALP 2021: 56:1-56:20