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Distributed Programming with Distributed Protocols in Scala


Suitable for

Mathematics and Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science and Philosophy, Part C
Computer Science, Part C


Session type systems facilitate the development of concurrent and distributed software by enabling programmers to describe communication protocols in types. Not only does this aid understanding and correctness of communicating code, it can guarantee desirable behavioural properties (e.g. deadlock-freedom). Concurrency libraries, e.g. Effpi, enable the use of session types in real-world programming languages and systems. Unfortunately, in practice, such libraries can require a significant number of channels between protocol participants, potentially hindering maintenance and be a source of error. The goal of this project is to raise the level of abstraction in the Effpi concurrency library. It will first focus on safely abstracting away low-level binary channels that are currently exposed to the programmer. The project will explore possible abstractions, e.g. session endpoints and skeletons of communication. Further work would be to explore additional abstractions to improve the correctness and maintainability of concurrent software using the Effpi library.
