Secure Networking in Small Satellite Operating Systems
Suitable for
Co-supervised by Systems Security Lab
Recent years have seen increased interest in new types of space system, including satellite mega-constellations containing large numbers of satellites, multi-tenant spacecraft shared between multiple parties, and federated satellite constellations composed of independently operated satellites. Each of these require new security considerations, particularly in the areas of secure communication, key management, and key distribution.
In this project a student will extend existing work in key management in new space systems. This could take the form of further developing network simulations to design key management protocols in larger satellite systems. Alternatively, a more implementation-based project is available: extending previous students' work porting the QUIC protocol to the cFS satellite operating system and OPS-SAT satellite platform. This would involve implementing and testing further protocols to support more advanced key management functionality.
Pre-requisites: Students undertaking this project should be familiar with network security concepts and be comfortable writing in C.