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Virtual Assay
Human Purkinje in silico model enables mechanistic investigations into automaticity and pro-arrhythmic abnormalities - JMCC's "Papers of the Year" of 2020
New Paper - In-silico human electro-mechanical ventricular modelling and simulation for drug-induced pro-arrhythmia and inotropic risk assessment
Awards and distinctions to our group at the Computing in Cardiology 2020 Conference
New paper: The virtual assay software for human in silico drug trials to augment drug cardiac testing
New paper: In silico pace-mapping: prediction of left vs. right outflow tract origin in idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias with patient-specific electrophysiological simulations
New paper: In-silico human electro-mechanical ventricular modelling and simulation for drug-induced pro-arrhythmia and inotropic risk assessment
New paper: The cardiac sympathetic co-transmitter neuropeptide Y is pro-arrhythmic following ST-elevation myocardial infarction despite beta-blockade
New paper: All-Optical Electrophysiology Refines Populations of In Silico Human iPSC-CMs for Drug Evaluation
New paper: Dual Transcriptomic and Molecular Machine Learning Predicts all Major Clinical Forms of Drug Cardiotoxicity
New paper: "Human purkinje in silico model enables mechanistic investigations into automaticity and pro-arrhythmic abnormalities
The ‘Digital Twin’ to enable the vision of precision cardiology
PhD Studentship / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network Fellowship
Peter Marinov presented at the Cardiac Physiome 2019
Our research in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, highlighted as a VPHi Success Story
The Computational Cardiovascular Science team at the Cardiac Physiome Conference in Maastricht (Netherlands)
Professor Blanca Rodriguez gives keynote talk at ESB-ITA
Hector Martinez-Navarro delivers talk at CompBioMed Conference
4 awards to our group at the Safety Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting 2019 in Barcelona
Francesca Margara and Cristian Trovato have been selected as recipients of the 2019 Safety Pharmacology Society Travel Award
Two 3-year Postdoctoral Researcher positions in Computational Cardiovascular Science available now!
Simulating a human heart - Elisa Passini's interview for "The Nakes Scientists" now online!
Elisa Passini, new Junior Research Fellow at Kellogg College
Many visitors and seminars in the last two months!
Best Paper Award is “huge boost” for cardiac imaging researchers
Zhinuo Jenny Wang awarded JGP poster prize at Gordon Research Conference (2019) - Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms
Senior Research Associate in Computational Cardiovascular Science (2 posts)
Professor Blanca Rodriguez has been elected Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Professor Blanca Rodriguez recognised with EAMBES Fellowship
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, invited speaker at Spiral waves and cardiac arrhythmias – Connecting the clinic and mathematics
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio presented at Eurothrombosis 2018
Elisa Passini at the Safety Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio presented at the 2018 Oxford Biomedical Imaging Festival
Julià Camps presented at Computing in Cardiology
Peter Marinov presented at Computing in Cardiology
Francesca Margara on secondment to Janssen Pharmaceutica (Global Safety Pharmacology Department)
Elisa Passini keynote speaker at 3Rs Midlands Symposium
Cristian Trovato attended Simula Summer School
Ana Minchole was an invited speaker at the STAFF Symposium 2018,
VPH Conference 2018.
Ana Minchole is an invited speaker at the Giambiagi Winter School,
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio presenting at the 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
Francesc Levrero-Florencio is presenting at the World Congress in Computational Mechanics 2018.
Blanca Rodriguez is an invited speaker at Frontiers of simulation and experimentation for personalised cardiovascular management and treatment.
Julia Camps is giving a talk at the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning.
We are presenting at the Gordon Conference.
We are presenting at the Cheltenham Festival.
Elisa Passini is an invited speaker at the Hay Festival
Can Computers Replace Humans in Biological Research?
Our research has been featured at “The Conversation”
Elisa Passini is presenting in Lugano
Polina Mamoshina is presenting at the Artificial Intelligence @ Oxford.
Elisa Passini is presenting at the NC3Rs Cardiovascular Showcase event.
Elisa Passini wins the 2017 International 3Rs prize
The Virtual Human film.
Congratulations to Blanca Rodriguez!
Michelangelo Paci is visiting us.
Aurore Lyon is presenting at the CMR 2018 conference.
Tim Betts is visiting us on Friday the 26th of January.
Dr. Sanjay Kharche is visiting us.
Clint Davies Taylor is visiting us.
Blanca Rodriguez is an invited speaker at the 9th TRM Forum on Computer Simulation of Cardiac Function.
We are organising a webinar on HPC simulations of cardiac electrophysiology
Linford Briant is visiting Patrick MacDonald's islet biology laboratory in Canada.
Comprehensive in-vitro Proarrhythmia Assay (CiPA) in-silico Working Group
We are presenting at Cardiac Physiome Society's 20th Workshop.
Professor Kevin Burrage is visiting us from November 6th to December 17th.
Carlos Ledezma, from UCL is visiting us this week.
Recruiting now two motivated PhD candidates for the “Personalised In-Silico Cardiology” European ITN.
Brodie Lawson from Queensland University of Technology is visiting us.
Virtual Assay winner of the SPS 2017 Technological Innovation Award.
Virtual Assay selected as a finalist for the SPS 2017
Open position!
Professor Yoram Rudy will be at the Department of Computer Science over the next weeks.
Aurore Lyon is presenting at the BHF-CRE Symposium
We are presenting our research at the Safety Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting
We are going to Computing in Cardiology!
Blanca Rodriguez is an invited speaker at the European Society of Cardiology Congress
The Computational Cardiovascular Science team is a partner of the European Innovative Training Network "Personalised in-silico Cardiology".
Alfonso Bueno’s fellowship featured at the Oxfordshire Guardian.
Blanca Rodriguez is an invited speaker at EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM.
Francesc Levrero-Florencio won the silver award in the HPC challenge
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is an invited speaker at the QSP UK Satellite Meeting
Peter Marinov is presenting at the Basic Sciences Summer School
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is an invited speaker at the Ion Channel Symposium
We are presenting at the EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2017
Aurore Lyon and Cristian Trovato are presenting at the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference
The Oxford Computer Science Conference 2017
Adam McCarthy has been awarded a Microsoft Azure Research Award.
Anna Muszkiewicz has received a Travel grant to attend the EWGCCE MEETING
Alejandro Liberos´ paper has been selected as a finalist in the Young Investigator Award competition in Computing in Cardiology.
Marina Lopez from Barcelona Supercomputing Center is visiting us
In Silico Drug Safety and Efficacy Symposium in Oxford.
Linford Briant wins the Poster Prize at the EASD Islet Study Group and Beta Cell Workshop
Hector Martinez-Navarro is presenting a poster at Heart Rhythm 2017
Francesc Levrero is an invited speaker at the "Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering and Imaging at different scales" workshop.
Oliver Britton will talk about Modelling nerve communication at the Pint of Science Oxford.
Ana Minchole is an invited speaker at the Cloud and High Performance Computing in Biomedicine meeting.
Newsletter of the “In silico human drug safety and efficacy” initiative
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio has been awarded a British Heart Foundation Fellowship.
Mikael Wallman is visiting us on the week of 24th to 28th of April.
Elisa Passini and Crisitan Trovato are presenting at the NC3Rs/Safety Pharmacology Society regional meeting.
Professor Kevin Burrage is visiting us from April 24th to June 9th.
Anna Muszkiewicz is an invited speaker at the London Hopper this year.
Blanca Rodriguez and Aurore Lyon at the 4th Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference
Martino Alessandrini, visiting fellow at the Computational Cardiovascular Science Team
Cloud and High Performance Computing capabilities showcase
Prof. David Abramson visits the Department of Computer Science.
Blanca Rodriguez and Ana Minchole present our research at the OCMR Study Day
Elisa Passini will present our latest research at the Oxford 3Rs Research day
The Gordon Research Conference
Special issue on Safety Pharmacology at Frontiers
The TransQST project has been officially launched.
Blanca Rodriguez willl be giving several talks during Febrary
Michele Orini will visit us on Wednesday.
Rubén Casado will be visiting us on Monday the 12th.
We are part of a BHF granted project.
Oliver Britton has joined the University's 3Rs sub-committee.
Michael A. Colman will be visiting us on Wednesday the 30th of November.
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio will give a talk at the Comprehensive In Vitro Proarrhythmia Assay (CIPA) Update.
Hector Martinez-Navarro and Ana Minchole attended the "STAFF Meeting"
Professor Yoram Rudy will be giving talks during the following days
We are part of a consortia granted by IMI2.
High Performance Centre of Research Excellence in Computational Biomedicine
We have been awarded a Distinguished Visiting Fellowship for Professor Yoram Rudy.
Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk at the Safety Pharmacology Society.
Banca Rodriguez has presented our group's research at the European Society of Cardiology congress.
Blanca Rodriguez and Elisa Passini attended Computing in Cardiology 2016.
Oliver Britton presented his work at the Safety Pharmacology Society meeting.
Anna Muszkiewicz gave a talk at the AFib-TrainNet
Alfonso Bueno is a keynote speaker at COMBINE 2016
Anna Muszkiewicz presented a poster at the Oxford BHF CRE Annual Symposium 2016.
Alfonso Bueno will be giving a talk at the Workshop "Accelerating the acceptance of mathematical models as evidence in safety and efficacy decision making"
Oliver Britton has been awarded an NC3Rs Project Grant
Anna Muszkiewicz presented a poster at the 40TH EWGCCE MEETING.
Elisa Passini will present her work at the Safety Pharmacology Society meeting.
Aurore Lyon presented her research at the European Society of Cardiology, Rome.
We have been awarded an NC3R Infrastructure for Impact Award.
Open position
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio visited the School of Mathematical Sciences.
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the School of Physics
Alex Zhavoronkov gave a talk on Monday
EU referendum: Latest University statements
John Walmsley gave a talk at the Department of Computer Science
Blanca Rodriguez will be giving a talk at Cardiostim
Anna Muszkiewicz presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference.
Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk at the 1st Barcelona VPH Summer School
Ana Muszkiewicz wins the Research Speaker Prize
Dr Jordi Heijman will be visiting us next week
Anna Muszkiewicz has been awarded the EPSRC Doctoral Prize
Xin Zhou presented her work at the Heart Rhythm Society's 37th Annual Scientific Sessions
Ana Minchole gave a talk at the 9th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations.
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the conference "Systems Biology – From data to models – A multiscale view on living"
Pablo Laguna from the University of Zaragoza visited us last week.
Dr Adriano Henney gave a talk at the Department of Computer Science
Oliver Britton gave a talk at the Oxford 3Rs Research Day
The Royal Society International Exchanges
We have been awarded an ARCHER Leadership Project.
Michelangelo Paci, from the Tampere University of Technology (TUT), visited us on February.
Congratulations to Alfonso Bueno-Orovio!
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the meeting "Towards a digital mouse" held in Portugal.
Oliver Britton gave one of six keynote talks at a scoping workshop on biomedical data science organised by the Alan Turing Institute,
Ernesto Zacur has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship.
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award.
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the Atrial Signals 2015 workshop
Professor Blanca Rodriguez will serve on the Board of the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement &Reduction of Animals in Research for three-year terms from January 2016.
Prof. Blanca Rodriguez and Dr. Elisa Passini attended the 15th Annual Meeting of the Safety Pharmacology Society.
Event in Kevin Burrage´s honour.
Yoram Rudy´s visit
Xin Zhou gave a talk at Innovation in Cardiology 2015.
Aurore Lyon wins the Young Investigator Award in the Computing in Cardiology Conference!
Anna Muszkiewicz presented a poster at the Oxford BHF CRE Annual Symposium 2015.
Call for presentations, papers for special issue. Validation and Models in Computational Biomedical Science: Philosophy, Engineering and Science.
Blanca Rodriguez has been elected as a Nucleus Member of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on e-cardiology
The Computational Cardiovascular Team shortlisted for the Lush Prize, an international award to support replacement of animal testing
Our research has been highlighted as one of the success stories the “Infrastructure for Systems Biology Europe” project.
Dr Elisa Passini will present her work at the 2015 Safety Pharmacology Society.
Vicente Grau has been awarded the title of Professor of Biomedical Image Analysis.
Elisa Passini won the Best Posters award for her work at the 39th Annual Meeting of EWGCCE that took place in Milan, on the 21th- 22th of June.
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gives a talk in Avicenna's final event.
Prof. Antonio Zaza, from the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca visited us.
Elisa Passini was invited to give a talk at the "3Rs Symposium 2015".
Elisa Passini has been awarded a Travel Grant to present her work at the 39th Annual Meeting of EWGCCE that will take place in Milan, on the 21th- 22th of June.
Eric Sobie, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics came to Oxford and gave us a talk on “Quantitative Cardiovascular Systems Pharmacology”.
Elisa Passini and Blanca Rodriguez attended The Gordon Research Conference on "Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms" that took place in Lucca, Italy from 22 to 27 March
Congratulations to Oliver Britton! He has been awarded the 2014 3Rs prize by the NC3Rs.
Professor Jari Hyttinen came to Oxford and gave us a talk about “Engineering stem cell based human spare parts”.
Visit our new section "Case Studies" of the Virtual Assay software!
The book “Human-based Systems for Translational Research” where Blanca Rodriguez is a co-author has now been released!
Following a generous donation by Google, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford is delighted to invite applications for up to 15 fully-funded DPhil .
Professor Kevin Burrage and Dr Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Dagstuhl Seminar
Professor Yoram Rudy has just been appointed Visiting Professor of Computational Medicine at The University of Oxford.
AnaMuszkiewicz presented a poster at the 39th Annual Meeting of EWGCCE.
Blanca Rodriguez, Professor of Computational Medicine.
'Computational Technologies in Biomedicine and Pharmacology' workshop hosted by the Computational Cardiovascular Science group.
Ana Mincholé and Aurore Lyon's work on ECG analysis won an honorary mention in the Best Poster Award competition at the BHF CRE 2014 symposium.
Alfonso Bueno will be giving a talk at the 2014 European Section Meeting of the International Academy for Cardiovascular Sciences.
Ana Minchole and Anna Muszkiewicz awarded at the Computing in Cardiology Conference, Boston, USA, 2014.
Our research in The Guardian!
Blanca Rodriguez will be giving several presentations during this autumn
Professor David Christini, from the Weill Cornell Medical College (Cornell University, NY, USA), came for a visit to our group
Sara Dutta selected for the 2014 Safety Pharmacology Society Junior Travel Award
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio will be giving a talk on the 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems Differential Equations and Applications.
Richard Clayton from INSIGNEO Institute for In Silico Medicine (University of Sheffield) came for a visit to discuss collaborations.
Six papers accepted in Computing in Cardiology 2014.
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio invited to speak at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Multiscale Spatial Computational Systems Biology
Sara Dutta presents her research at Cardiostim
Blanca Rodriguez, How to get external funding?
Xin Zhou presents her studies at the Heart Rhythm Scientific Sessions.
Mikael Wallman presents his studies at the Heart Rhythm Scientific Sessions.
From January 2014, Vicente Grau is the Director of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Healthcare Innovation, at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering.
Oliver Britton, finalist in the UK ICT Pioneers awards, 2014
Plenary Speaker at 2014 ICNAAM and IASTED
Kevin Burrage receives Honorary Fellowship
Blanca Rodriguez awarded Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship
Medical Research Council commends Oxford computational medicine research
Computer Science student awarded EPSRC Doctoral Prize
Marie Curie Fellowship awarded
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