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Three members of the Department conferred with the title of Professor under University’s Recognition of Distinction process


Three members of the Department of Computer Science, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Cas Cremers and Niki Trigoni, have been conferred with the title of Professor as part of the University’s Recognition of Distinction process.  

Bernardo Cuenca Grau, a Royal Society University Research Fellow, joined the Department of Computer Science from the University of Manchester.  His research interests are in logics for Knowledge Representation, ontology-based technologies and their applications to the Semantic Web. His research covers a wide spectrum within these areas, which includes theory and foundations, algorithm design, tool development, technology standards, and end-user applications.

Niki Trigoni, Professor of Computer Science, joined the university in 2007.  She established the Sensor Networks Group and has conducted research in communication, localisation and in-network processing algorithms for sensor networks.  Her recent and ongoing projects span a wide variety of sensor networks applications, including indoor/underground localisation, wildlife sensing, road traffic monitoring, autonomous (aerial and ground) vehicles, and sensor networks for industrial processes.

Cas Cremers, Professor of Information Security, joined the university in 2013.  His research focuses on information security, in particular the formal analysis of security protocols.  This work ranges from developing mathematical foundations for protocol analysis to the development of analysis tools, notably the Scyther tool.  More recently, his research expanded into directions such as protocol standardisation, including the improvement of the ISO/IEC 9798 standard, and applied cryptography, leading to the development of new security requirements and protocols.  

Niki and Cas are both Fellows of Kellogg College and part of the Software Engineering Programme.  Bernardo is a Supernumerary Fellow at Oriel College.