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Professor Yoram Rudy will be giving talks during the following days

Professor Yoram Rudy will be giving talks during the following days

Posted 23/09/2016

Professor Yoram Rudy will be giving the following talks during his visit to Oxford: 

 Title: Noninvasive imaging of cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmias in the intact human heart

 Date: Monday, 26 September 2016, 12:30 – 13:30 (lunch will be provided)

 Where: Room B, West Wing, Level 6, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford

 Title: Multi-Scale Integration of Cardiac Excitation: From Ion-Channel Molecular Structure to the Human Heart

 Date: Wednesday, 5 October 2016, 12:00 – 13:00

 Where: Lecture Theatre, Department of Pharmacology, off Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3QT

All members of the University welcome

Professor Yoram Rudy is The Fred Saigh Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology & Physiology, Medicine, Radiology, and Pediatrics and Director of the Cardiac Bioelectricity and Arrhythmia Center (CBAC)

His research aims at understanding the mechanisms that underlie normal and abnormal rhythms of the heart at various levels, from the molecular (ion channel) and cellular to the whole heart. They are also developing a novel noninvasive imaging modality (Electrocardiographic Imaging, ECGI) for the diagnosis and guided therapy of cardiac arrhythmias. 

He will be visiting us until mid-October, if you want to meet, please contact! 

We are part of a consortia granted by IMI2.

We are part of a consortia granted by IMI2.

Posted 10/09/2016

We will be working on the TransQST project, "Translational quantitative systems toxicology to improve the understanding of the safety of medicines" awarded by the IMI. The project is led by the University of Liverpool, with a total Budget of €8 million and 21 partners.

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is working to improve health by speeding up the development of, and patient access to, innovative medicines, particularly in areas where there is an unmet medical or social need. IMI is a partnership between the European Union (represented by the European Commission) and the European pharmaceutical industry (represented by EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations).

If you are interested, please contact. 


High Performance Centre of Research Excellence in Computational Biomedicine

High Performance Centre of Research Excellence in Computational Biomedicine

Posted 10/09/2016

"CompBioMed”, a High Performance Centre of Research Excellence in Computational Biomedicine, has been approved with a total budget of almost €5 million from the Horizon 2020 European programme. Our team is one of the 15 partners of the consortia, and the project will last 3 years. 

This Centre of Excellence (CoE) will advance the role of computationally based modelling and simulation within biomedicine. Three related user communities lie at the heart of the CoE: academic, industrial and clinical researchers who all wish to build, develop and extend such capabilities in line with the increasing power of high performance computers. Three distinct exemplar research areas will be pursued: cardiovascular, molecularly-based and neuro-musculoskeletal medicine. 

If you are interested, please get in touch!

We have been awarded a Distinguished Visiting Fellowship for Professor Yoram Rudy.

We have been awarded a Distinguished Visiting Fellowship for Professor Yoram Rudy.

Posted 02/07/2016

We have been awarded a Distinguished Visiting Fellowship on "Computational investigations of Cardiac hereditary disease" for Professor Yoram Rudy's visit. 

Professor Yoram Rudy is The Fred Saigh Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology & Physiology, Medicine, Radiology, and Pediatrics and Director of the Cardiac Bioelectricity and Arrhythmia Center (CBAC)

His research aims at understanding the mechanisms that underlie normal and abnormal rhythms of the heart at various levels, from the molecular (ion channel) and cellular to the whole heart. They are also developing a novel noninvasive imaging modality (Electrocardiographic Imaging, ECGI) for the diagnosis and guided therapy of cardiac arrhythmias. 

He will be visiting us in September until mid-October, if you want to meet, please contact!

Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk at the Safety Pharmacology Society.

Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk at the Safety Pharmacology Society.

Posted 05/09/2016

Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk on" Towards In Silico Drug Trials in Safety Pharmacology" at the Safety Pharmacology Society meeting that was held in Vancouver between the 18th and the 21st of September. 

The talk was included under the session of Advances in Technologies.—In Vitro and In Silico Models. This session provided insight into the latest knowledge and development in the fields of cardiac safety science and bioimaging. Experts gave three presentations on the in silico identification of drug-induced pro-arrhythmia, moving towards in silico drug trials in safety pharmacology and characterization of physiologically relevant 3D cardiac micro-tissues for drug safety testing, as well as a presentation focusing on the state-of-the-art imaging of live cells employing newly developed fluorogenic probes. The aim was to show that these scientific innovations and developments could be of benefit for reducing attrition in drug development.

She also presented a poster on "Investigation of inter-individual variability in electrophysiological response to drug block using human ex-vivo ventricular preparations and heart-specific populations of cardiomyocyte models."

Banca Rodriguez has presented our group's research at the European Society of Cardiology congress.

Banca Rodriguez has presented our group's research at the European Society of Cardiology congress.

Posted 29/08/2016

Blanca Rodriguez has presented our research on "ECG analysis and computer modelling for arrhythmia risk stratification" at the session on "Multiscale modelling to personalise electrophysiological treatment for ventricular disease". She also chaired the "computer modelling and simulation" poster session. 

The ESC Congress was held in Rome, Italy, 27th- 31 of August, 2016. The ESC is the world's largest and most influential cardiovascular congress.

Blanca Rodriguez and Elisa Passini attended Computing in Cardiology 2016.

Blanca Rodriguez and Elisa Passini attended Computing in Cardiology 2016.

Posted 31/08/2016

Blanca Rodriguez chaired the Special Session "QT, Drugs and Computing" on Wednesday the 14th of September, 2016 together with Jean-Philippe Couderc. 

Michelangelo Paci also gave a talk on "A Population of In Silico Models to Face the Variability of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes: the hERG Block Case Study" (M. Paci, E. Passini, S. Severi, J. Hyttinen and B. Rodriguez).

Elisa Passini presented her work on "In Silico Drug Trials Predict Safety and Efficacy of 10 AntiArrhythmic Compounds and Identify Sub-Populations at Higher Risk" (E. Passini, O. Britton, A. Bueno-Orovio and B. Rodrigez). 

Oliver Britton presented his work at the Safety Pharmacology Society meeting.

Oliver Britton presented his work at the Safety Pharmacology Society meeting.

Posted 19/09/2016

Oliver Britton presented a poster on "Investigation of inter-individual variability in electrophysiological response to drug block using human ex-vivo ventricular preparations and heart-specific populations of cardiomyocyte models." at the Safety Pharmacology Society meeting that was held in Vancouver between the 18th and the 21st of September. 

Anna Muszkiewicz gave a talk at the AFib-TrainNet

Anna Muszkiewicz gave a talk at the AFib-TrainNet

Posted 19/09/2016

Anna Muszkiewicz gave a talk at the AFib-TrainNet on "Mechanisms linking nNOS and Atrial Fibrillation: A Computational Approach.", A. Muszkiewicz, X. Liu, A. Bueno-Orovio, J. F. Rodriguez, B. Casadei, B. Rodriguez, on the 2nd of September in Glasgow, U.K. 

This EU Training Network in Novel Targets and Methods in Atrial Fibrillation (AFib-TrainNet), is a European based consortium with the main goal of performing high quality interdisciplinary research and industry training to 15 international PhD students.The partners in the project are located in Norway, Denmark, Scotland, England, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Israel. The network includes ten academic research laboratories, three biotech companies (Acesion Pharma, Clyde Biosciences and Xention), and one independent research organization (Simula).

The scientific ambition of the network is to investigate the potential of two novel drug targets for treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). These are the G-protein inward rectifier potassium current IK,ACh and the calcium-activated small conductance potassium current ISK.

Alfonso Bueno is a keynote speaker at COMBINE 2016

Alfonso Bueno is a keynote speaker at COMBINE 2016

Posted 31/08/2016

Alfonso Bueno will be a keynote speaker at the "Computational Modelling in Biology" Network (COMBINE). His talk will be on "Delivering cardiac computational biology to industry and the clinic: Advances towards reshaping future health and care" on the 19th of September.

COMBINE is a workshop-style event with oral presentation, posters, and breakout sessions and is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in systems biology and related fields. The five meeting days will include talks about the COMBINE standards and associated or related standardization efforts, as well as presentations of tools using these standards. 

The 2016 COMBINE meeting will be held in Newcastle upon Tyne, from September 19 to 24, 2016: the main Workshop will run 19-23 September and an SBGN Workshop will be held on September 24.

If you have news or events that you would like to be added to this website, please email us details. If possible, please include a picture and links to further information.