Quantum Group Theses
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The following is a list of masters and DPhil/PhD theses written or supervised by members of the Quantum Group. This is based in part on Bob Coecke's list, which can be found here. Theses were done at the University of Oxford, unless another institution is listed.
- MSc: Wira Ahmad. Efficient Heuristics for Classical Simulation of Quantum Circuits Using ZX-Calculus
- Part C: Owen Agnel. A Framework for Approximate Quantum Circuit Optimisation
- DPhil: Vincent Wang-Maścianica. String Diagrams for Text
- MSc: Will Cashman. Optimisation of fusion networks with linear resource states
- MSc: Martin van IJcken. Generalised flow for hypergraph measurement patterns
- MSc: Joe George. Categorical Quantum Theory and Percolation Methods for Measurement-based Quantum Computing
- DPhil: Cole Comfort. Diagrammatic Approach to Networks of Spans and Relations
- DPhil: Matthew Wilson. Compositional Frameworks for Supermaps and Causality
- DPhil: James Hefford. Categorical Post-Quantum Theories
- DPhil: Nicola Pinzani. The Topology and Geometry of Causality
- PhD: Augustin Vanrietvelde. Routed quantum circuits: an extended framework for coherent control and indefinite causal order, Imperial College
- DPhil: Hler Kristjansson. A second-quantised Shannon theory
- MSc: Bolizsár Poór. A unique normal form for prime-dimensional qudit Clifford ZX-calculus
- MSc: Julien Codsi. Cutting-Edge Graphical Stabiliser Decompositions for Classical Simulation of Quantum Circuits
- MSc: Mark Koch. Quantum Machine Learning using the ZXW-Calculus
- MSc: Nikhil Khatri. Experimental Comparison of Ansatze for Quantum Natural Language Processing
- MSc: Oliver Cole. Quantum Circuit Optimisation Through Stabiliser Reduction of Pauli Exponentials
- MSc: Snehal Raj. Graphical calculus for Tensor Network Contractions
- MSc: Patrick Roy. Qudit ZH-calculus
- MSc: Tuomas Laakkonen. Graphical Stabilizer Decompositions For Counting Problems
- DPhil: Sivert Aasnæss. Comparing two cohomological obstructions for contextuality, and a generalised construction of quantum advantage with shallow circuits
- DPhil: Antonin Delpeuch. Word problems on string diagrams
- DPhil: Maria-Eftaxia Stasinou. Causality and the arrow of time in process theories
- MSc: Benjamin Rodatz. Conversational Negation in Compositional Distributional Semantics
- MSc: Jonathon Liu. Language as Circuits
- MSc: Ryan Krueger. Vanishing 2-Qubit Gates with Non-Simplification ZX-Rules
- MSc: Witalis Domitrz. On the Verge to Improve Technique of T-count Reduction via Spider Nest Identities
- DPhil: Hector Miller-Bakewell. Graphical Calculi and their Conjecture Synthesis
- DPhil: Robin Lorenz. Quantum Causal Structure
- MSc: Kenton Barnes. The Genetic Evolution of Quantum Programs Using The ZX-Calculus
- MSc: Richie Yeung. Diagrammatic Design and Study of Ansatze for Quantum Machine Learning
- DPhil: Benjamin Musto. Quantum Latin squares and quantum functions: applications in quantum information
- DPhil: David Jakob Reutter. Higher linear algebra in topology and quantum information theory
- DPhil: Giovanni Caru. Logical and Topological Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics and Beyond
- DPhil: Josef Bolt. Probability and nondeterminism in compositional game theory
- MRes: Augustin Vanrietvelde. Bipartite unitary supermaps and their classification, Imperial College
- MRes: James Hefford. Density Hypercubes: Interference and the Phase Group, University College London
- MRes: Matt Wilson. Causal Structure as a Resource, University College London
- MSc: Daphne Wang. Quantum Causality and Higher Order Processes
- MSc: Michael Wang. Understandable Proofs in Graphical Calculi
- MSc: Vincent Wang. Graphical Grammar + Graphical Completion of Monoidal Categories
- DPhil: Abhishek Dasgupta. Distributed Anytime Generic Inference in Valuation Algebras
- DPhil: Carlo Maria Scandolo. Information-theoretic foundations of thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories
- DPhil: Dominic Verdon. Algebraic quantum structures for reference frame-independent quantum teleportation and pseudo-telepathy
- DPhil: Iskren Vankov. A computational model for quantum information processing with indefinite causal order
- DPhil: Linde Wester Hansen. Classical and quantum structures in computation
- DPhil: Kang Feng Ng. Completeness of the ZW and ZX calculi
- DPhil: Norihiro Yamada. Games as Mathematics of Logic and Computation
- DPhil: Quanlong (Harny) Wang. Completeness of the ZX-calculus
- DPhil: Robin Piedeleu. Picturing Resources in Concurrency
- DPhil: Sean Tull. Categorical Operational Physics
- DPhil: Vaia Patta. Aspects of Categorical Physics: A category for modelling dependence relations and a generalised Entropy functor
- MSc: Alexis Toumi. Categorical Compositional Distributional Questions, Answers & Discourse Analysis
- MSc: Borun Shi. Towards Minimality of Clifford+T ZX-Calculus
- MSc: Kate LaHorgue. Combinatorial Structures and Lambda Calculi
- MSc: Nicola Pinzani. Categorical Semantics of Time Travel and Its Paradoxes
- MSc: William Simmons. A Programming Language for Higher-Order Quantum Computation with Indefinite Causal Order
- DPhil: Amar Hadzihasanovic. The algebra of entanglement and the geometry of composition
- DPhil: Fabrizio Romano Genovese. Generalised relations for compositional modes of meaning
- DPhil: John Selby. A process theoretic triptych. PhD thesis, Imperial College, 2017.
- DPhil: John-Mark A. Allen. Reality, Causality, and Quantum Theory
- DPhil: Matthijs Vakar. In Search of Effectful Dependent Types
- DPhil: Vladimir Nikolaev Zamdzhiev. Rewriting Context-free Families of String Diagrams
- DPhil: Yoshihiro Maruyama. Meaning and Duality - From Categorical Logic to Quantum Physics
- MRes: Marietta Stasinou. The ZX calculus, Non-Locality and Spekkens toy theory, University College London
- MSc: Giovanni de Felice. Hopf Algebras in Quantum Computation
- MSc: Joost Houben. A geometrically inspired category as a meaning space for natural language
- MSc: Juliette Buet. W-Spiders
- MSc: Richard East. The Thermodynamic Limit in the Resource-Theoretic Framework
- PhD: Andre Ranchin. Alternative theories in Quantum Foundations, Imperial College
- DPhil: Brendan Fong. The Algebra of Open and Interconnected Systems
- DPhil: Ciaran Lee. Bounds on computation from physical principles
- DPhil: John van de Wetering. Ordering information on distributions
- DPhil: Krzysztof Bar. Automated rewriting for higher categories and applications to quantum theory
- DPhil: Stefano Gogioso. Categorical Quantum Dynamics
- MRes: James Morley. Categorical quantum computing: diagrammatic reasoning for quantum algorithms, Imperial College
- MSc: Ignacio Funke. The Span Construction. Interpretations and Applications
- MSc: Joshua Steves. The Elements for Logic In Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning
- Part III: Edward Ayers. Is Schroedinger's Cat Real? Exploring Quantum Bayesianism with Monoidal Categories, University of Cambridge
- DPhil: David Quick. !-Logic
- DPhil: Dimitri Kartsaklis. Compositional distributional semantics with compact closed categories and Frobenius algebras
- DPhil: Miriam Backens. Completeness and the ZX-calculus.
- DPhil: Nadish de Silva. Contextuality and Noncommutative Geometry in Quantum Mechanics
- DPhil: Will Zeng. The abstract structure of quantum algorithms
- MSc: Daniela Ashoush. Categorical Models of Meaning: Accommodating for Lexical Ambiguity and Entailment
- MSc: Desislava Bankova. Comparing Meaning in Language and Cognition: P-Hyponymy, Concept Combination, Asymmetric Similarity
- MSc: Katherine A. Casey. A Higher Categories Approach for Stochastic Modelling of Biological Processes
- MSc: Lawrence H. Dunn III. Profunctor Semantics for Linear Logic
- MRes: John H. Selby. An Overview of Diagrammatic Notation in Physics, Imperial College
- MSc: Benjamin Musto. Exploring Quantum Teleportation through Unitary Error Bases
- MSc: Esma Balkir. Using Density Matrices in a Compositional Distributional Model of Meaning
- MSc: Jiannan Zhang. A Generic Evaluation of a Categorical Compositional-distributional Model of Meaning
- MSc: Martti Karvonen. Frobenius Algebras in Functor Categories
- DPhil: Alexander Merry. Reasoning with !-Graphs
- DPhil: Edward Grefenstette. Category-Theoretic Quantitative Compositional Distributional Models of Natural Language Semantics
- DPhil: Roman Priebe. The Regular Histories Formulation of Quantum Theory
- DPhil: Shane Mansfield. The Mathematical Structure of Non-locality and Contextuality
- Diploma thesis: Carlo Maria Scandolo. A generalised approach to resource theories, University of Padova
- MSc: Christian A. Schroeder. The ZX calculus is incomplete for non-stabilizer quantum mechanics
- MSc: Linde Wester. Categorical Models for Quantum Computing
- MSc: Nathaniel Cabot Thomas. Classical Structures in Topological Quantum Computing
- DPhil: Raymond Lal. Causal Structure in Categorical Quantum Mechanics
- MRes: Andre O. Ranchin. Progress in Quantum Foundations. CQD MRes report, Imperial College, 2012.
- MSc: Brendan Fong. Causal Theories: A Categorical Perspective on Bayesian Networks
- MSc: Daniel Siebel. Completeness Results for the Graphical Language of Dagger Compact Closed Categories
- MSc: Fabio Massimo Zennaro. Discrimination Nets: Improvement and Extension to Bang Graphs
- MSc: Katriel Cohn-Gordon. Commitment Algorithms
- MSc: Krzysztof Bar. Design and Analysis of Quantum Protocols and Algorithms
- MSc: Vladimir Nikolaev Zamdzhiev. An Abstract Approach towards Quantum Secret Sharing
- DPhil: Aleks Kissinger. Pictures of Processes: Automated Graph Rewriting for Monoidal Categories and Applications to Quantum Computing
- DPhil: Andrei Akhvlediani. Relating Types in Categorical Universal Algebra
- MRes: Daniel Adam Roberts. Representing Modular Tensor Categories: A Computer Algebra System for Topological Quantum Computing
- MSc: Alex Lang. Trichromatic Diagrams for Understanding qubits
- MSc: Anne Hillebrand. Quantum Protocols involving Multiparticle Entanglement and their Representations in the ZX-calculus
- MSc: Benjamin Frot. Implementing and Automating complex arithmetic in quantomatic
- MSc: Robert Furber. Quantum Entanglement and Algebraic Group Actions
- DPhil: Ed Blakey. A Model-Independent Theory of Computational Complexity: From Patience to Precision and Beyond
- MSc: Dan Marsden. Comparing Intuitionistic Quantum Logics
- MSc: David Mack. Linking Form and Function. A Geometric Investigation of Multi-partite Graph States
- MSc: Marco Fernandez. Encoding Logical Words as Quantum Gates: The Higher Dimensional Case
- MSc: Michael Herrmann. Models of Multipartite Entanglement
- MSc: Shibdas Roy. A Compositional Characterization of Multipartite Quantum States
- DPhil: Bill Edwards. Non-locality in Categorical Quantum Mechanics
- MSc: Manav Bhushan. Simulating Quantum Processes Using Classical Structures
- MSc: Matthew Varughese. Categorical Quantum Computing with Finite Fields
- MSc: Thanasis Georgiou. Quantum operators: A classical perspective
- PhD: Chris Heunen. Categorical Quantum Models and Logics. Radboud University
- PhD: Jamie Vicary. Results in Categorical Quantum Mechanics. Imperial College
- MSc: Aleks Kissinger. Graph Rewrite Systems for Classical Structures in dagger-Symmetric Monoidal Categories
- MSc: Yiannis Hadjimichael. Discrete Models of Categorical Quantum Computational Semantics
- PhD: Eric Paquette. Categorical Quantum Computation, Universite de Montreal
- MSc: Martin Churchill. Abstract Semantics for a Simple Quantum Programming Language
- DPhil: Ross Duncan. Types for Quantum Computing
Updated 19 Oct, 2022.